Thursday, March 29, 2012

Remedies from a Small Town

Picture by: Legends of America
Today I had one of the worst days in a while.  Everything seemed to go wrong.  And to top it all off, I had a toothache.  Yea, it doesn't sound like a big deal, but maaaannnn that sucker hurt!  I bought some oragel, but that didn't seem to do the trick.  And I thought to myself, "These are the times that I wish I was home!"  Why?  Because at home we have many different remedies to fix every ache imaginable!

These remedies may not be normal.   Some may not even be legal...but all have worked for my family, and many around us.  So I figured I would let other people in on some of the secrets!

First back to the toothache.  What to do when you have that ache in your mouth that is driving you crazy.  Back at home, we use something that isn't quite conventional.  I am not trying to joke around when I say that to get rid of a toothache, you should just take a shot of whiskey.  Don't actually swallow (though of course, you CAN afterward if you want to ;) ) but instead, hold the shot over the tooth that is hurting.  I am not sure personally what in whiskey does this, but the whiskey actually numbs the spot.  It works even better than oragel or any toothache medicine!  Likewise, when babies are teething, some people dip their finger in whiskey and run the finger over the baby's gums to numb the pain for them.  This is obviously not enough for the baby to even swallow anything, but it definitely calms them down.
Another nice cure is when you have a rash.  I see it more for baby rashes, but it can work on other rashes as well.  You mix corn starch and vitamin E together, and smear it onto the rash.  In no time at all, the rash will go away.  In the same respect, if you get a minor burn, dipping the burn into milk leeches the burn out and relieves the pain a lot. 

What can you do if you have a killer headache and the advil/tylenol doesn't work?  Well, before running to the doctor, try putting vicks vapor rub on your temples.  If the headache is bad enough, also hold an ice pack overtop of it.  I've done this many times at home, and it reallly seems to help.

There ya go.  Some at-home small town remedies to help some aches and pains.  There are many more that I have heard of, but these ones are ones that I myself have actually used, and have found to work. 


  1. I personally love home remedies. Usually when you tell people about them they look at you like your crazy. I have heard of the whiskey cure before but not the milk. We usually put toothpaste on our burns and that heals them right up.

  2. This was amusing. I saw the picture as first and thought to myself, what is she talking about? In Italy when I had a toothache, my neighbor told me to rinse my mouth with her home-made vinegar. Needless to say, it was disgusting. I'll stick to over the counter drugs from CVS.

  3. Starting my first semester here at Penn, I never realized how much I missed home and my loved ones that would take care or me when I was sick. My grandmother is the number one person to tend to me in any type of sickness, and she seems to always have the answers. Many cultures have their own private remedies, and within my Jamaican culture, we have similar "secret" medicines. A tea illegal here, but frequently used in Jamaica is known a a wash-out, and can ultimately cleanse your body (even though you might spend days in the bathroom). Similar to your whiskey, when babies in my family are stuffy or congested,my great grandmother likes to rub Jamaican rum on the child's scalp. I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I'm glad it does.
