It has always been a national debate, whether or not the right to bear arms is good. However, where I live, there is no debate. Guns are a part of our lives. I can't honestly remember a time that there wasn't a riffle or pistol in my house. My Gram and Pap have two gun cabinets in their back room. My uncle has a couple in the garage. There are two that are mine, specifically. Most people in my town are this way. Not everyone; some people choose not to. But it is more common to at least have one, even if you don't shoot it often.
Until recently, I have just thought that being around guns was what everyone did. I am so accustomed to being around them that I didn't even think that others may not. But now thinking about it, people who live in the heart of Philly, or in less rural places would not have the ability that I did. It's sad really, because I love them.
On the outskirts of my town there are some coal dumps from the old mines. I've mentioned them before, in a previous post (you should check it out, its my favorite! "Gotta Get a Little Mud on the Tires"). Anyway, people go up there all the time to set up targets. It's a fun time practicing and having contests.
I have been shooting guns since I can remember. My family has talked about it all my life. Actually, they start telling us when we are young the importance of gun safety. We have allowed my nephew, Troy shoot our beebee guns. Of course there were a TON of adults with him, and never by himself. The other picture I have is just a funny one I took at my camp.
Everyone knows the danger surrounding guns. Many people avoid them because of this. But not everyone knows the fun and excitement of them. My family hunts. My family target practices. I wish other people could witness and experience these things. Because they are things that people from small towns can and do enjoy.
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