Thursday, March 29, 2012

Remedies from a Small Town

Picture by: Legends of America
Today I had one of the worst days in a while.  Everything seemed to go wrong.  And to top it all off, I had a toothache.  Yea, it doesn't sound like a big deal, but maaaannnn that sucker hurt!  I bought some oragel, but that didn't seem to do the trick.  And I thought to myself, "These are the times that I wish I was home!"  Why?  Because at home we have many different remedies to fix every ache imaginable!

These remedies may not be normal.   Some may not even be legal...but all have worked for my family, and many around us.  So I figured I would let other people in on some of the secrets!

First back to the toothache.  What to do when you have that ache in your mouth that is driving you crazy.  Back at home, we use something that isn't quite conventional.  I am not trying to joke around when I say that to get rid of a toothache, you should just take a shot of whiskey.  Don't actually swallow (though of course, you CAN afterward if you want to ;) ) but instead, hold the shot over the tooth that is hurting.  I am not sure personally what in whiskey does this, but the whiskey actually numbs the spot.  It works even better than oragel or any toothache medicine!  Likewise, when babies are teething, some people dip their finger in whiskey and run the finger over the baby's gums to numb the pain for them.  This is obviously not enough for the baby to even swallow anything, but it definitely calms them down.
Another nice cure is when you have a rash.  I see it more for baby rashes, but it can work on other rashes as well.  You mix corn starch and vitamin E together, and smear it onto the rash.  In no time at all, the rash will go away.  In the same respect, if you get a minor burn, dipping the burn into milk leeches the burn out and relieves the pain a lot. 

What can you do if you have a killer headache and the advil/tylenol doesn't work?  Well, before running to the doctor, try putting vicks vapor rub on your temples.  If the headache is bad enough, also hold an ice pack overtop of it.  I've done this many times at home, and it reallly seems to help.

There ya go.  Some at-home small town remedies to help some aches and pains.  There are many more that I have heard of, but these ones are ones that I myself have actually used, and have found to work. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Church Pew and Barstool Kind of Town

Today I was listening to some country music while studying outside.  I was listening to Jason Aldean on Pandora, specifically.  One of his songs came on, "Church Pew and Barstool."  I have never heard this one before, but as I was listening to it, I couldn't believe how true it was. 

The song goes along the lines of the fact that in small towns there are a lot of churches and bars.  It also tells of how the community judges people based on these two places.  How you are a church goer, or you bar hop.  And that there are some people in between.  I can completely relate to that!

Picture by The Diocese of Altoona/Johnstown

If you asked a group of people from Lilly to describe the town, one person would look at the others, laugh, and say, "Oh, you know, Lilly: the town of about 10 bars, 10 churches, and a couple houses in between."  Take my house for example.  Directly across the road from it is the GBU, a bar.  Down the alley from my house is Sokol's, a Slovak club.  And further down the street is George's Bar and Grill.  That is just within a block from my house!  There is still many more around the town.  Talking about churches, there is 2 Catholic Churches, a Luteran church, a Polish church, and a Methodist church within 2 blocks from my house.  So, regardless of how funny that statement could be, it is actually quite true!
A picture of the GBU from my yard

At community events, there is always talk among people about others.  Let's face it, we all like to gossip.  When I am sitting with my grandmother, I always hear the old ladies talking.  "Oh, you know those McCabes.  Poor Jim has to wheel Aggie in anymore.  But you know, they always make it to 11 oclock mass, bless their hearts."  "Oh boy, that Plummer boy better wise up.  Paul said he has been to the bar every night this week.  EVERY NIGHT! But did we see him in church this week, no we did not!  It's quite a shame.  Especially since his mother is such a sweetheart."  "You have to laugh at Old Shminn.  He enjoys his beer alright, but regardless of how he feels in the morning, he makes it to mass.  I suppose that's all that matters."  The comments go on.  But everyone is labeled by their attendance in church or the bars. 

So I listened to this song and had to laugh.  My family and I have always joked about how many churches and bars are in our town.  I never thought about the fact that other small towns could be like that too!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

At the bonfire, out in the sticks

      I don't know about anyone else, but I am definitely LOVING this weather.  After an unsuccessful week in Hawaii (where it rained everyday) it has been much needed.  The weather makes me want summer to be here right now.  In any event, it has me missing home.  Good weather meant one thing for the weekends: fires.  Bonfires, campfires, fires in the backyard, I love them all. 
Photo by: Michele Simonet
Fires are the site of most social gatherings.  I'm sure that most of us have been to them.  I can't imagine a different way to hang out with my friends in..well...every season besides Winter.  Sitting around the fire, making smores, listening to music.  It's the best time in the world!  Some of my favorite memories are from around the fire.  There were many summers where my friends and I would play hide and seek, or other games, where the fire was base (of course, the FIRE wasn't base, but the deck around it).  One time, my friends and I were all sitting there, talking about the summer (this was at the end of August last summer, right before we came to school).  All of a sudden, my friend Michele, who was falling asleep, yells "Oh S&!#" and you hear a loud rip.  Her chair ripped and she fell through it.  Hilarious!  My favorite moments are just telling stories throughout the night.

Even in high school, everyone loved fires.  Fridays, in class, you can hear everyone talking about who is having a fire and inviting others to come.  Smores, hot dogs, and drinks are always there.  Music keeps the party flowing.  It is always a good time.

Fires are also central to my family gatherings.  Pig roasts are very common.  Once the pig is finished, we keep the fire going long into the night.  When my family camps at Raystown Lake, we have fires every night.  Sometimes, it is nice to sit by the campfire and watch the stars.  Also, there are traditions associated with fires.  Every Portage Homecoming football game, my uncle Joe has a fire in his backyard.  Even though I do not go to Portage high school, I still come over to spend time with everyone.  Our whole family knows he has this party, and usually most people attend. 

So, I'm heading home this weekend.  What's on the agenda? Fire on Friday night! :D

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Do you believe in the 2nd amendment?

It has always been a national debate, whether or not the right to bear arms is good.  However, where I live, there is no debate.  Guns are a part of our lives.  I can't honestly remember a time that there wasn't a riffle or pistol in my house.  My Gram and Pap have two gun cabinets in their back room.  My uncle has a couple in the garage.  There are two that are mine, specifically.  Most people in my town are this way.  Not everyone; some people choose not to.  But it is more common to at least have one, even if you don't shoot it often. 

Until recently, I have just thought that being around guns was what everyone did.  I am so accustomed to being around them that I didn't even think that others may not.  But now thinking about it, people who live in the heart of Philly, or in less rural places would not have the ability that I did.  It's sad really, because I love them.

On the outskirts of my town there are some coal dumps from the old mines.  I've mentioned them before, in a previous post (you should check it out, its my favorite! "Gotta Get a Little Mud on the Tires").  Anyway, people go up there all the time to set up targets.  It's a fun time practicing and having contests. 

I have been shooting guns since I can remember.  My family has talked about it all my life.  Actually, they start telling us when we are young the importance of gun safety.  We have allowed my nephew, Troy shoot our beebee guns.  Of course there were a TON of adults with him, and never by himself.  The other picture I have is just a funny one I took at my camp. 

Everyone knows the danger surrounding guns.  Many people avoid them because of this.  But not everyone knows the fun and excitement of them.  My family hunts.  My family target practices.  I wish other people could witness and experience these things.  Because they are things that people from small towns can and do enjoy.